Monday, February 28, 2011

Back to Quilting!

Well, the book has been put on hold until more research has been done on it. In the meantime, we've been snowed in for the last week. This is what happens when you live in a city that doesn't get snow, one snowfall and the whole city shuts down. The one snowfall dropped over a foot of snow last Wednesday and we've had snow off and on since then.

With being stuck in the house (I don't own winter clothes because we don't have 'winter' in our piece of paradise), I decided to go through my stash of fabrics. Gee, I didn't realize I had so much. I started quilting about 30 years ago and I have at least that many years of a fabric collection. In 1999, I stopped quilting when my cousin and quilting buddy died. I returned home from her funeral with several quilts in various forms of completion. They've been tucked away since then - I couldn't even look at them, let alone do any quilting or sewing for myself. I used to work the craft sale circuit every winter to make extra $$$ but even stopped that. A lot of things have gone on in my life since then but last week, with the snowfall, I suddenly had an urge to start creating again.

I've been reading a lot of quilting blogs and getting lots of inspiration. In my stash, I found a couple of charm packets that I'd bought years ago. After some searching on the internet, I found a pattern for a disappearing 9 patch, which I put together in an afternoon. I loved it and had so much fun with it. The charm squares I had were both Moda, one was all pinks and the other was 'Poetry' - they look gorgeous together. Today, I"ll be adding borders and 3D butterflies to them.

Yesterday, we had rain all day and the roads were clear, so I ventured out to my favourite quilt shop and spent way more money than I should have but I was loving every minute of it and came home with some wonderful pieces of fabrics - I call them my 'shabby chic' collection - they have that old fashioned look in the lovely soft colour - love them.

Have patience with me on this blog - I'm really getting into trying to set it up nicely and will run into some bumps along the way, I"m sure. Happy Quilting!

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